Case Summary: Recovered Revenue and Summary Disposition

In a case involving an auto dealership client, a purchaser of a new truck flooded the engine on the date he took possession of the vehicle. The purchaser then canceled…

OSHA Online Reporting Reminder

As we previously reported to you in 2015, OSHA and MIOSHA began requiring auto dealers, which were previously exempt from OSHA record keeping requirements, to begin keeping a record of…

Form 8300 Cash Reporting Customer Notification

As part of the IRS cash reporting rule, on or before the January 31st following the calendar year for which the Form 8300 was filed, dealerships must provide a written…

Ninth Circuit Holds Service Advisors Entitled to Overtime Compensation

In June (2016), we sent a notice regarding the Supreme Court’s decision in Navarro v. Encino Motorcars, LLC, vacating the Ninth Circuit’s ruling that service advisors are not exempt from…

Attorney Nicholas Ranke Joins the Firm

January 12, 2017 – Colombo & Colombo, P.C. is pleased to announce that Nicholas J. Ranke has joined the firm as an associate attorney in the firm’s Litigation and Automotive…

Reminder: Increase in Michigan Minimum Wage

As a reminder, effective January 1, 2017, Michigan’s minimum wage will increase to $8.90 per hour. Employers with two or more employees who are at least sixteen years of age…

2016 Year End Legal Review

Year-end tax and financial planning has become relatively commonplace. However, far too few businesses give proper attention to a fiscal or calendar year-end legal review. A systematic and wide ranging…

New I-9 Form

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) published its revised I-9 Form which dealers are required to use for all new hires beginning January 22, 2017. The new form…

Social Host Liability

Office parties can present a whole “host” of liabilities for dealers, regardless of whether they are scheduled to celebrate the holidays, improve employee morale, or serve as an opportunity for…

Injunction Issued in White Collar Exemption Case

On November 22, 2016, a Federal Judge in Texas issued an injunction in a lawsuit filed by 21 states and various business organizations challenging the new DOL regulations relating to…